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What is encryption? How does encryption work?

Dear friends, you must have heard of this modern computing and Internet encryption. Whether it is to secure your data or to secure Gmail, Twitter, Facebook account or to secure the saved data in Dropbox or One Drive, or to secure your phone's personal messages, encryption is very necessary in every case. What is this encryption in today's post? And we're going to discuss a lot about how it works. Hope to know a lot.

What is encryption?

See encryption is not a new thing. It is not that we have only used this method for 2-3 years. We've been using it for a long time. Encryption is a method by which when you send a data to write or where to write or store it, then it will be in a state of a form or form that you just created to send the data, so that it is accessible only can do. And if it goes wrong to an unwelcome person, then he can not figure out any of the data. This is the original mantra of Encryption.
Let's make the subject more clear by an example. Suppose to create a simple encryption, I write "A" from "A, B, C, D" to "Z" as "B", "B" as "C" and write as "C" as D . In this way I will write the word that I want to write in the front of the letter. Now I want to write ("TECHUBS"), now after the encryption of the above rule it will be the word ("UFDIVCT"). Now the code that was created after encryption, if someone does not know that I have used one of the following words to encrypt it, then it will not be possible to find the actual word hidden inside it. And nobody can decode it.

So it was a very simple encryption.
Now what is the "key" if you need to recover the original data from this encryption now? Key will be to reduce a character than what is written. For example, if the code is written in "U", then if there is less than one character or it will come back "T" will come from "F" and "E", then the original word is finally available. Now if I send this word to Kauka, and if the person has the right key to the word, then he will be able to read this word very easily. So this is the concept of a simple encryption and its key. We have been using Encryption for a long time. As for the Old World War, the various secret messages were sent through various encryption.
But the process of encryption in the computer world is a little different, but the subject matter is the same.

Public Key Encryption

Now let's talk about the key encryption. This method is very common. And for most encryption, whether it is email or general message or WhatsApp Apps Encryption, public key encryption is used. Now what is this public key encryption? Think I'm a user and you are a user. Each of us has two keys. In that case, I also have two keys. One is the private key, which is only with me and the other is my public key, which everyone has.
And that's the only thing you'll have.
There will be a private key, which will be with you only, and the other will be the key, which everyone will have.
Now again a question, what is the key or the key? See the meaning of private or public words. What is meant here is the formula for encrypted data decoding in this key. That is, the key is to explain how a massage can be converted into original massage. Now let's learn some important things about public key and private key.

Suppose you locked a message using a public key. So it is possible to open the message only through the private key. Again, if you lock a message with a private key, it can be opened only by using the public key. Insert this formula well inside the head before understanding more details. Now, I think another user should send a message to "Hello". So what I will do, another user will have the public key (which is kept by everyone) with the public key, encrypted my message "hello" and send it to him. The user will be able to open the message I sent just by using his private key. If anyone gets the message in the meantime, he will not be able to open it. This way, if I want to secure this message a bit more and if I want to make sure that the message I sent is (the public public key is available to everyone, using that anyone can send the message), first I want to send the message to the public key Lock the message with the key and then the second time I will lock the message with my private key. When the message goes to that user, he will see that "Oh this message is locked by private key", then he will unlock the first message using his public key and then use his own private key to unlock the message completely. Friends, the subject matter is a bit of a problem, but hopefully this paragraph will be cleaned all the time after 2-3 times. In other words, it is possible to decrypt the public key (key) by the key and by the private key encryption key. And it works on this formula. This key formula is basically used to transmit any data. For example, if you have logged in an account or sending regular messages to Kaoho, etc., then your data is secured using this method.

But how are the securities that are already stored in the stores? For example, you have uploaded many photos to Google Drive or Dropbox or saved your credit card information on different websites. So to get rid of all these data, there is a help-table approach. Now what is this hase table? For example, my name is "Tahmeed Borhan". Now I have saved my name on different websites. But if I save using the hash table system, my name will not be saved directly as "Tahmid Burhan". Rather, they will be saved in a different sense by mixing a lot of text together. And its recovery can be done again by a key. And the key is only for that website. Generally, these types of data are de-coded as impossible. But then there is nothing called Impossible in this era of science and technology. Experts are always concerned about how to get information from any place. So there is a rough run on both sides, those security experts think of saving more of their data, and those D-code experts, they always try to find the wrong errors of the encryption.

Generally speaking, these forms of encryption are used more often. But when using most encryption, the public encryption formula is used.
Even the latest WhatsApp App's end-to-end encryption system is also revealed as a public key encryption.
Where each user has two key keys, where for the public key and for the private key itself. Locking anything using the public key will open it only with your own private key and using some key key to open it will only open the public key.


I hope this post is not just good for you, it's pretty good. And you have learned a lot about encryption in Bengali. Although there could be more detailed discussions. But I think that through this discussion you have come to know all the basic things.
You can tell me any questions about the encryption. I have discussed this important issue today, so I think it is worth getting more shares. So share as much as you can. You may know that more than 95% of the content in the Internet and Google's content is in English. And there is a lot of hard work and hard work in getting Bengali content popularized by popularity.
Your one-to-one sharing initiative will help you take this site forward.
Anyway, everyone should be good.
What is encryption? How does encryption work? What is encryption? How does encryption work? Reviewed by Mahmud on October 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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