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What is Schema.Org Markup and why are blogs used?

Currently, Schema Markup is used on all blog / websites. However, very few people have a clear idea about Schema Markup. This Schema Markup gives a great deal of explanation of all types of blog content for robots in any search engine. Today, I will give you simple ideas about Schema Markup, so that you can use the schema markup tags of the necessary places of blog to understand it better.

Each search engine has a type of programming robot. They can understand exactly where they are at any blog. But there is little difference between understanding the programing robot and the understanding of the people. People can understand anything, while on the other hand, Programming Robot does not have the power to feel this. Whenever there is a detailed description about something, you can understand it. In this case, they do not make mistakes at all, whereas on the other hand, 100% of the people may not be doing any work. So you can understand that the search engine robots will not understand the content of your blog ie where it is and if you do not write properly the structure of the template template in the blog. And the search engine robots will make it easier to understand the schema.Org Markup . Below we will discuss its important topics.

  • Schema Markup Key: This is a kind of semantic vocabulary code, which is used on a variety of blogs / websites to increase the attractiveness of search engines. These are usually in the form of HTML and Scripts. Using this Schema Markup tags, you can easily give clear search ideas about various things about your blog. This makes your blog more likely to come in the search engine's front page. Here's an easy example for you.
  • Example: A blog template has many parts. For example, headers, footer, content area, sidebars, and many other types of content are shared on each blog. In this case search engine can not understand any part of your blog's template header and no part footer. Which part of your blog template is working, it is simply necessary for the search engine to show the schema markup tag. These HTML tags give clear ideas about all parts and content of your blog to search engines. Tachhara also explains which section of the blog titles, articles on which section, and links to other things, including videos, to the search engines.
  • What needs to be used in the blog: The answer will be in a word Yes. In order to take advantage of the additional search engine optimization, the blog must use Schema.Org Markup. The blog's author should definitely use Schema.Org Markup to take advantage of more time, including the right time to publish content, blogger templates with 100% SEO Friendly. Moreover, blogger blogs are already using Schema Markup in many places of their default templates. Structures on Google Webmaster Tools blog also ask to form correctly using Schema.Org Markup. Therefore, it is necessary to use Schema Markup to enjoy all types of SEO benefits.
  • How to use in blogs: Generally, it is not a problem to use in blogs due to the form of HTML and Scripts. Only HTML tags are added to the required places of the blog.
  • We will not write about how to use them in this post. We will discuss how to use Schema.Org Markup in our next post.

    Finally :

    From this post you can take some ideas about the importance of Schema Markup. Since the important part of SEO on Schema.Org Markup is that the blog needs to be used to get some Advantage in the search engine optimization. This will easily present your blog to search engines.

    What is Schema.Org Markup and why are blogs used? What is Schema.Org Markup and why are blogs used? Reviewed by Mahmud on October 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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