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5 easy tips to increase page views on your blogs!

Increasing the Page Views of each blog / website is a very important issue. However, the main purpose of blog is to increase traffic. Rather, the main goal of your blog visitors to be made as a regular reader. Page views can be increased when your blog's visitors keep it steadily. Once a new visitor comes to the blog, if you can keep him on your blog, Page Views will be automatically increased. After a visitor blog visit, how long can he stay in your blog also plays an important role in increasing the ranking of a blog. If a reader does not read well after visiting the blog, Page Views may increase in your blog, but the potential for that reader will be reduced to you later. Because he thinks this blog has no important article.

To increase your blog traffic, you need to create some regular readers of your blog. In order to get this work as expected, it is necessary to share some good article with some tectonics as well as to retain the reader. These simple techniques will help keep readers on your blog longer. Below you will share the 5 tricks that are easy to work with.

Popular Posts :

Everyone knows this as 'popular post' in bangladesh. This type of widget is seen on the Sidebar of all Bangla blogs. This widget will show the most popular or most viewed posts on your blog. It will attract visiters of the blog and the page views will continue to grow.

Related Posts :

This means that your blog posts related to the post.
Someone enters your blog with the topic 'Online Income' from the search engine. Then when he will see another post of this topic, the visitors will also visit those bullets. This will increase the page views of your blog. This type of
Related Posts Widget is usually linked to the bottom of the blog post.

Internal Linking :

This kind of link will increase the Page Views of the blog. When you post a topic with a topic, you can link to important 2/3 post writing that is related to the post. As a result, when readers read the post, they will also want to read those pages by clicking on the link. Also, when you post a topic in two parts, you can link the previous post with this post.

Search Box :

This is an important issue for every blog. Because blogs that are not Search Box are rarely available. There is a search box in all types of blogs. However, Search Box must be beautiful and reader's eyes are easily attracted.
When the reader enjoys reading your blog, he will want to find more things. So if you see the
Search Box, he can easily solve his needs. Because the reader does not have time to search for your blog without searching box. All the reader wants to get his job done in a short time.

Series Posts :

This means that posting a post without sharing a topic together. Suppose - You are trying to write some topics about creating 'Mobile Friendly Blog'.

This post can be quite big. He did not post the post and shared the post, and every post filled the post with a scary post. If your issue is important then the reader must read all posts. As a result, the easier it will be to make the page visit increase.

The last thing:

if your blog content is good and follow the widgets and tips above, then your blog's Page Views will be easily increased. But after all, I repeatedly told Sabie that the content of the blog should not be copied from Valman and any other blog. Then you can reach the point of success by attaining the credibility of the reader.
5 easy tips to increase page views on your blogs! 5 easy tips to increase page views on your blogs! Reviewed by Mahmud on October 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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